12 Leadership Competencies to LAUNCH Your Church

Churches Multiplying Churches
LAUNCH helps local churches form area networks to identify, train, and send out new leaders. These cooperative efforts, called Hubs, consist of multiple churches committed to a holistic approach of leadership development. Our process is not built on cookie-cutter programs but rather on personal relationships, nurturing 12 Leadership Competencies in the church-planter. LAUNCH partners and planters are working together to multiply impact and transform communities.
The 12 Leadership Competencies
As LAUNCH was first forming, we interviewed a host of church planters, indentifying the common denominators among a variety of healthy leaders. In pinpointing key traits, we endeavored to reverse-engineer the success of a healthy plant. While fully acknowledging that the “success” of a church is ultimately in God’s hands, we also recognize that as leaders we have been entrusted with the responsibility of being faithful stewards of His calling. Too many “good guys” with noble intentions, solid theology, and popular ministry models flounder. The need is too great to not be fully prepared for the task. So, with this in mind, we took our research and boiled it down to the 12 LAUNCH Leadership Competencies. We teach leadership competencies rather than a specific church-planting model because most church plants seem to fail not because of the model but because of poor leadership. The competencies are:
- Identify and confirm a passionate sense of calling
- Master the discipline of leading yourself
- Cast a clear and compelling vision
- Lead from a bold faith that takes prayerful risks
- Identify the needs of your community and develop a specific strategy to meet them
- Effectively raise and manage money
- Develop measurable systems and structures to fulfill your vision
- Identify key leaders to execute the vision
- Think strategically and execute for results
- Empower leaders to execute the vision
- Evaluate your values and integrate them into the DNA of your church
- Persevere through difficulty in order to get to the next level
To learn more about LAUNCH, go here.
To read more from Mac, go here.

Tags: Church Planting, Leadership Engine, Mac Lake