4 Habits that Develop Credibility as a Trainer

In 1987 I choose to go to Dallas Theological Seminary based on one thing- I wanted to sit under the teaching of Dr. Howard Hendricks. In this video I share 4 habits we can develop that will help elevate our level of credibility with those we mentor, teach or train.
If you’re trying to develop leaders for your leadership pipeline these four habits will help you stay fresh and teach with passion, which will increase your credibility.
Habit #1 – 2:00 – Position yourself as a learner
Habit #2 – 3:02 – Always carry a learning journal
Habit #3 – 4:34 – Always be growing in your area of expertise
Habit #4 – 6:30 – Always teach the freshest things your learning
Discussion Questions: Share the link to this video with your team and schedule a time to discuss the following questions. LINK: https://youtu.be/dr0knhlv9f4
Q1 Who is a teacher, trainer or mentor you were excited to learn from? What was it that excited you to learn from them?
Q2 What do you look for in those you want to learn from?
Q3 What are other habits a trainer can develop that will help them build or maintain high levels of credibility?
View more developing leaders videos from Mac.
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Tags: Leadership Credibility, Mac Lake