4 Stellar Declarations of a Gospel-Centered Church

I recently heard Tim Keller speak on his new book Center Church (more on this in the blog later). The image above is his outline on gospel theology which is about one-eighth of the book. I am halfway through the book and I believe it is the most important book on church leadership written in my lifetime.
Here are a few quotes, including four stellar declarations of a church that is true to the Gospel:
#1 We are a church not just for ourselves but for those who don’t believe
#2 We are a church not just for ourselves but for the poor
#3 We are a church not just for ourselves but for the whole body of Christ
#4 We are a church not just for ourselves but for our church community
Two other quotes:
“In some ways we need to shape the church to be more engaged with the culture and in other ways we need to shape the church to be more confrontational with the culture.” – Tim Keller
“In the church members should say, ’I give up the right to live my life the way I want, and I submit myself to a covenant community.’” – Tim Keller
Read more from Will here.

Tags: Center Church, Scripture, Tim Keller, Will Mancini