9 Reasons You’ve Not Scheduled that Staff Retreat

Imagine a day when every staff member and key lay leader wakes up with a clear and shared understanding of God’s better future for your church. A day when the question “What’s your vision, Pastor?” brings you energy and excitement and not dread or suspicion. Imagine a day when every ministry understands their role in fulfilling the entire church’s disciple-making call, not just their role in filling a ministry program.
How does this become a reality? Is it possible that a time away together as a staff and leadership team could lead to these God-sized dreams? It will never happen if you keep putting off scheduling a meaningful leadership retreat.
This type of pastoral procrastination often happens because:
- There has never been any measurable return on the investment of the time it will take.
- Leadership is living from Sunday to Sunday putting out fires and cannot focus together for long.
- Everyone typically makes great relational strides on retreats but achieves very little tactical progress.
- There have never been any resources budgeted for getting the team away to pray and plan.
- The team’s credibility is at stake if yet another plan gets created but not executed.
- It is easier to install yet another “silver bullet” program than it is to invest in a lasting process.
- Anyone on the team could lead a good enough retreat, but nobody has the time to facilitate an excellent one.
- It has always been easier to just rely on the Senior Pastor for all the answers.
- There is so much that needs to be done, it is hard to know where to even start.
If you’ve been putting off pulling away for a staff retreat one or more of the above reasons likely resonate with you. Waiting until you have enough time or money to get the team away just masks the reality that you won’t ever get around to it…
Until a significant enough crisis arrives and forces your hand.
Connect with an Auxano Navigator to learn more about planning visionary staff retreat.

Tags: Bryan Rose, Staff Retreat, vision planning