A Ministry Momentum Killer

I have a crucial piece of advice for any ministry leader who is seeing God bless them with a current wave of momentum:
Make sure your private devotion keeps pace with your ministry momentum.
As your ministry gains speed, the demands on you are just going to become greater. You might think that once you gain the momentum you’ve been working towards, it will finally free up space in your life. But it won’t. In fact, your time will be even more constrained.
The temptation you’ll face will be to ride your own spiritual coattails.
The great prayer time you had. Last week.
The eye-opening moment you had in your private Bible study. Two months ago.
The game-changing time of fasting you engaged in. Last year.
But it doesn’t work like that. Your relationship with God is only as strong as your most recent encounter with Him.
You must never get to the point where you’re too busy ministering for God that you’re too busy to meet with God. Or you can consider yourself on the clock. For burnout. For a lack of fresh vision. For a moral failure.
And then because of those things, for losing your momentum.
No matter how great your ministry is going…
You’re never going to outgrow your need for prayer.
You’re never going to outgrow your need for study of God’s Word.
You are never going to outgrow your need for God.
He’s what gave you your momentum. He’s what’s going to maintain it. And He’s what’s going to sustain you through it as the demands on your life become greater.
Even Jesus felt the need to go off by himself and spend time in prayer as people began flocking to Him. Personally I’m not going to be the one who says I need less private time with God than Jesus.
Make the decision now. Wake up earlier. Stay up later. Clear out your schedule during the day. Whatever you do, do whatever you have to do to prioritize the presence of God in your life.
And then keep riding the momentum.
Read more from Steven here.

Tags: Authentic Leadership, Personal Clarity, Steven Furtick