We can’t ignore the way God appears to have wired the Christian faith—increased knowledge and understanding of God leads to increased worship.
At its most basic level, you could define worship as the humbling of yourself before the One who is your better. This, naturally, has 3 serious implications.
We are right to take little stock in knowledge that fills the head but doesn’t transform the heart. But we should always rejoice as believers grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior.
Your church has a prime training ground for you—it’s called children’s ministry.
How do we develop a culture where we’re actually about the things we say or think we’re about?
We want our churches to be places where people at any age are being transformed by the Holy Spirit as the Word is taught; we don’t need to be told to do better, try harder, or be nice for niceness’ sake.
When a pastor is concerned about how little the congregation reads the Bible, he may need to examine his own practices.