5 ways for any church to increase its group-friendliness.
It is not enough to change a strategy or talk about innovation. Cultures must change.
How can we ignore the ministry and work of so many people, often leaving them to believe their lives, work and ministry are less important than the paid staff?
What are you doing to leverage your auditorium or worship center for connection?
What about the development of middle leadership roles? People have skills and experience beyond entry-level leadership and yet do not desire, are not ready for, or not gifted for – top-level posts. Where are the development strategies for these emerging leaders?
We need real leaders whose performance “backstage” – off camera, away from the excitement and spotlights – is congruent with we see up front.
Leadership mistakes are inevitable – but some of them are avoidable.
Here are a series of questions for Vision and Values discovery and clarification.
The heart of the gospel is community – the message that the God who lives in community came to restore community with his people through the life, death and resurrection of his son.
What are you doing to make sure people are part of the innovative vision you are pursuing?