A healthy staff can handle difficulties, recognize problems and solve them. It has built-in systems to restore the condition back to health.
When it comes to attending church, drift leads to distance and distance leads to disconnection.
There are no shortcuts in ministry that will help you in the long run. The deeper you dig, learn, change and grow over many years, the greater the results.
We all want to win. Who wakes up and thinks, I hope we lose? Your church team is no different. It’s God’s church and His purpose, so positive results are important.
If you continue to grow as a person and as a leader, what you lead is much more likely to keep pace with you. The opposite is also true. If you stop growing, in time, so will what you lead.
A vision is carried relationally to far more people than any one vision castor can take it, regardless of how gifted a primary communicator is.
Recruiting in a volunteer faith-based organization is not for the faint of heart. Not because it’s difficult, but because it never ends. You have to love what you do! If you get the basics right, recruiting becomes second nature and you gain a momentum that helps you keep going.
The number one topic in the local church over the last 30 plus years addresses the question, “How do I grow my church?” How can we break through to reach more people for Jesus?
These 5 expressions of God’s love are core to you and I leading the way Jesus models for us.