Does your church makes it easy to take the next step in discipleship?
There are many techniques to help a busy life, and one of the most important is getting clear on your planning horizon.
Any time you are asking people to give money, follow this six-step process to create a well-formed invitation.
There are four main communication channels to consider when crafting your message.
Think of the last time you shared a message and didn’t get the response you anticipated. Here are 2 ways to help you prevent those communication breakdowns.
As a balloon pilot, I have learned how to plan for the things that I can control and respond to the forces that I cannot, while still aiming at specific target. Here are three vision lessons leaders can learn from piloting a balloon.
We are striving to change our behavior to follow in the ways of Jesus. The best way to do that is to discover when we miss the mark and then get better.
At times, the distance between our espoused and lived-out values can be visible and even painful. How do we, in those times, create more alignment between our aspirations and our actions?
Few church leaders actually measure and monitor the performance of their church or their ministry team.
Leaders may hear “Planning takes too long. Let’s just get started,” but they need to be willing to focus on the outcome desired before starting.