Eric Geiger
Eric Geiger is the Senior Pastor of Mariners Church in Irvine, California. Before moving to Southern California, Eric served as senior vice-president for LifeWay Christian. Eric received his doctorate in leadership and church ministry from Southern Seminary. Eric has authored or co-authored several books including the best selling church leadership book, Simple Church. Eric is married to Kaye, and they have two daughters: Eden and Evie. During his free time, Eric enjoys dating his wife, taking his daughters to the beach, and playing basketball.

Are You Leading the Whole Great Commission, or Just Half ?

The Great Commission should not be viewed as two separable parts but a unified whole – a responsibility to both reach and teach.

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Three Places to Uncover Values in Your Culture

Wise leaders don’t declare values; they uncover the values that are already there.

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Clarity Process

Three effective ways to start moving toward clarity right now.