Three common mistakes that pastors often make.
It is not fair for a leader to lead everyone the same way because every person on the team is different and needs different leadership.
If we allow something other than Him to be our one thing, we are attempting to allow a lesser thing to satisfy us. We are wise if we realize that the things of this world are not too much for us but too little.
How can you tell if you are prone to committing ministry idolatry?
God designed our faith to be communal and interdependent—and markedly supernatural.
Churches that measure their process prove its value. Measurement proves the process is more than a new fad or down-loadable strategy.
A visual illustration increases clarity; therefore, church leaders should use one.
Here are five top resources on church multiplication for your church leadership team to consider.
In a church that lacks alignment, it does not feel like one body. It feels more like a building that houses a wide variety of ministries.
Discipleship is such a broad term, often a junk-drawer term that has been used to describe many things. How do you define it?