Simple church leaders understand that spiritual transformation is a process and they also respond to this reality. They do so by implementing a ministry process to facilitate this spiritual growth in people.
Will you invest in others who will ensure the following generations know of the Lord and His gracious works?
In groups grounded in Jesus, God supernaturally uses the community to mature His people.
Are the groups at your church structured to facilitate relationships? Is time given for discussion so that the group members may apply biblical truths in their own and one another’s lives?
Hanging a set of values on the wall or printing a doctrinal statement in the bulletin does not ensure those values are in the culture of the church.
Simple churches are making a big impact.
The regular, ongoing aspects of the work/ministry are absolutely essential. But raising an initiative to the top for a season of sustained focus will always rally a team around a clear direction.
Here are some more thoughts on the four disciplines of getting things done.
Red flags are great. They prevent you from continuing down a path that won’t be fruitful and best for the team and ministry for which you are responsible.
If the culture of a church is at odds with the doctrinal confession of the church, the culture typically wins. The unstated message speaks louder than the stated one.