How to reach a 26-year-old who needs remedial education on all things in life – including the spiritual.
If your church is not growing at all, or declining…well, God isn’t the problem. We are.
Lessons in Guest Experience from the drive-through.
The typical first-time unchurched guest wants anything BUT recognition.
The goal of discipleship is not a crowd, but rather a core of committed Christ followers who are fleshing out the life of Christ in everything.
Here are the top ten things I’ve learned to do, or to look for, in putting together a church staff team.
The five most important questions you will ever ask about your organization.
If only the church could be more like Walt Disney World in terms of its effort to reach out to others in a way that makes them want to return.
Nothing about money and the church should be gimmicky. Even the giving.
Here are the four steps to leading change in your church.