Most forms of church government have three features that dominate their structure, but none of them serve morale, effectiveness, or unity – and none are found in the Bible.
What if I gave you a list of ten things that any church could do that would bring almost immediate renewal and growth?
Our culture today is spiritually illiterate and is visually oriented and visually informed.
Here are two choices that are key to ensuring you have a full emotional tank and can keep putting gas into it for the long haul.
I would advise young leaders to go against ego and instant gratification, opportunity and eagerness, yes, even church planting (at first) and consider serving in an existing church for a season in order to be mentored.
Espousing a principle without fleshing it out in practice is no different than having no principles at all.
All giving is a matter of the heart. But people don’t just give “from,” but “to.” And what they give “to” is vision.
I’ve noticed a growing trend, at least in my own city, of churches renaming themselves in an apparent effort to invigorate a plateaued or even declining situation.
You have a sinful leader. Pray they are the kind of sinful leader God wants.
So many times we wonder about the validity or value of something when the answer is patently clear: people have voted with their feet. Meaning they aren’t coming, supporting, inviting…you fill in the quantitative blank.