How is your audience telling stories about your church?
Try to be open to sharing new types of social media content. It not only solidifies the relationship between your brand and its fans, but also gives your fans a reason to follow it.
Even though it is an established brand that’s been around for decades, Disney remains at the forefront of brand storytelling. What lessons can you learn from the mouse?
The greatest brand stories are the ones told by the brand’s fans.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when creating content in hopes of achieving viral success.
Social media storytelling is all about unearthing the core story at the heart of your brand and telling it in meaningful ways that people enjoy, appreciate and share.
It’s the fear of the unknown and the stories that brand managers create in their minds that bind their creativity and limit their spontaneity.
Emerging technology has allowed brands to tell stories in many ways.
Stories can and often will define a brand, but hearing only one story can cause misunderstanding.
The success of a brand is determined by how well the brand exists over the long haul—how effectively a story can be woven around the brand and told in a way that makes the audience care.