A far better focal point than church growth is church health.
If you want your church to grow, you must learn how to develop generous disciples to invest their resources into the kingdom for ministry and for facilities.
Vision is the main difference between leadership and management.
A lot of people have great vision. But you’ll never see your vision become a reality unless you communicate it well to others. Many great God-given dreams die in the vision-casting stage. In fact, there are seven particular things you need to make sure your people understand the vision.
One of the roles of church leaders is to help people see the proper place of money in our lives and the potential reward in eternity when we invest our resources into eternal things.
A little bit of transparency can go a long way when helping believers understand more about the church to which they give their tithes and offerings.
When you look at the book of Acts, you find at least 8 healthy characteristics of the early church that positioned them for a blessing from God.
As your church begins to grow you’re going to face a lot of different criticisms. But there are three really common ones to prepare for.
The extra effort and work you put in you get more position, more power and more privilege. With each one of these comes a very great temptation that can be your downfall as a leader if you misuse it.
If you want to be a growing leader of a healthy movement, keep reading.