Is your church’s assimilation engine running well? What area needs the most improvement?
Culture is the glue that makes processes more effective and sustainable. Culture must be congruent with the processes as they can sabotage each other if they don’t line up.
All of life is full of rhythm — but too often the competing needs of ministry, personal and family life can create a discordant tune. Finding the right rhythm can prevent burnout and lead to effective ministry.
It’s time to take the guessing game out of improving the way our churches recruit, engage, and disciple volunteers.
What are some of the steps that will lead to church failure?
Working in ministry can be the most fulfilling and challenging thing that someone can do with his or her life, yet all too often, they find themselves struggling with burnout and considering a career change.
We live in a time when every church should be using technology to equip people and empower ministry.
What is your church doing to create a vibrant community that transcends even the most popular brands?
Where community is fostered, authentic life change is experienced.
The importance of building a culture that combines disciple making with mission and how your church can begin the shift from merely reaching people to making disciples who in turn are equipped to go and make more disciples.