Steve Finkill
Steve Finkill is the Chief Messaging Officer at ID Digital, a verbal, visual, and marketing company. Dream Vacation: Driving the Pacific Coast Highway with my wife. Stopping for great food and some golf along the way. Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla with real peanut butter mixed in. Favorite Films The Shawshank Redemption, The Empire Strikes Back, and Tombstone. Surprising Personal Fact: I was the Table Tennis Champion of my middle school. Favorite Album: The Firm Soundtrack, Dave Grusin. Coffee: Never. Beverages are meant to be cold.

What Business Are You REALLY in?

What business are you in? The way you answer that question will determine who will engage with you in an increasingly digital world. Two tools, when they are developed intentionally, can work together to communicate your business on multiple levels.

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One Big Communication Thought that Keeps Your Mission In Focus

Don’t settle for the lower purpose of attendance. Strive for the higher purpose of mission engagement. That’s when lives and communities are truly changed.

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Clarity Process

Three effective ways to start moving toward clarity right now.