The Generosity Prayer is a positive confession, a powerful request, and a hopeful promise.
Pastors tend to resist fund raising seasons though they know they are nearly unavoidable. This gap of needing funds and the resistance to raise funds must be bridged.
The variety of ways God leads people to be generous givers is inspiring.
10 ideas to inspire you to raise the bar on the money conversation at your church.
Four key gleanings about financial health that apply specifically to the local church and Senior Pastors in particular.
Here are four key gleanings about financial breakthrough that apply specifically to the local church and Senior Pastors in particular.
True generosity at your church is absolutely possible if you pursue these three ingredients.
10 leadership habits in churches that are enjoying a good ministry as a base, are on a great journey, and in a period of anointing.
As we enter the final month of the year, I’m frequently asked about year-end giving.
Senior leaders need to bear the responsibility of discipleship of high capacity leaders and donors.