The music written for the grand narrative of Scripture can’t be contained in a 2 1/2 hour film. It’s sung day after day, week after week, year after year, by millions who walk the fallen soil of this planet, but who have tasted the forgiveness and grace from the One who made Himself nothing that we may be free.
One thing’s for sure: traditional, funded, full-time church planters are not going to plant enough churches to truly penetrate the lostness of North America.
Part of the glory of the incarnation is holding the tension in your mind how great God’s love is, that He would take on human flesh for us and our salvation.
Lincoln was a great president because he was a great man. Team of Rivals shines light on the wisdom of his strategies and decisions.
If there’s one thing we need to be clear about in our preaching and teaching, it’s the gospel announcement that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, lived a perfect life in our place, died on the cross for the sins of the world, rose again to launch God’s new creation, and is now exalted as Lord of the world.
Since we no longer have cultural institutions imparting respect for the Bible and the church in the general population, this means revamping how you preach, how you instruct, how you evangelize—everything.
The downward turn of our culture will shrink and purify the church, as people who are into church but not into Jesus will leave. Out of that, there is hope that God will do spectacular things. We will work for genuine gospel community to shine, as we serve one another in a way that confuses and attracts the world around us.
How do we practically get consumer driven churches to shift their “culture” to experience transformation and to become a Creature of the Word?
Many books today encourage pastors to be focused on Jesus in their preaching and teaching. But Creature goes beyond the teaching ministry and instructs church leaders on creating a gospel-centered culture in the church, a culture that shapes all levels and areas of ministry.
The need is to come back to the gospel in order to influence the culture of the church. The culture is always teaching. We need more than a confession immersed in Jesus. We need a culture immersed in Jesus.