All-of-life discipleship – learning to follow, trust, and obey Jesus in the everyday stuff of life – requires submitting to and obeying God’s Word in three key environments.
Discipleship occurs when someone answers the call to learn from Jesus how to live his or her life—as though Jesus were living it.
The true, deepest need for leaders today is not to be more intelligent, or more gifted, or even more successful, but to be more connected, more fully to God.
Generosity development in your church is really people development.
Using these seven contemplative thoughts and corresponding prayers, seek to be centered in God today.
It takes discerning leaders to impartially and prayerfully evaluate “the way things used to be” in order to lead toward the future that God is calling you to create.
Leaders cannot dictate creativity, but they are called to cultivate creativity.
It’s time to call a timeout and evaluate the obstacles that keep you from focusing on visionary communication about God’s preferred future for your church.
Using social media is just the latest extension of the New Testament’s one-another ministry.
We were created to be one-kingdom people.