Sometimes, your team just needs a spark to fire up their creativity.
Try fine-tuning your group’s vocabulary, and see the positive effect it has on your culture.
Your discipleship strategy should lead people to know God, not just know about God.
When facing another sudden change in plans, maybe it’s time to learn from comedians who improvise.
Has the community around your church changed, and you’re not sure how to respond?
Cultivate solutions for tomorrow’s problems by celebrating current successes.
Has the community around your church changed and you don’t know how to respond?
What’s the difference between treating someone like a visitor, and treating someone like a Guest?
No one likes to move beyond his or her comfort zone, but that’s really where the magic happens. It’s where we can grow, learn, and develop in a way that expands our horizons beyond what we thought was possible.
More than ever, organizational success now comes down to teams. At the same time, we know almost nothing about them… and most of what we do know is wrong.