Developing a Tagline for Your Church, Step 3: Team Brainstorm

With your new two-word brand promise in place, its time to engage a team brainstorm to list many, many, many and then many more tagline ideas.
The key here is, as you might have guessed, quantity. Most teams don’t spend enough time creating a high quantity of ideas. Remember in brainstorming, no idea is a bad idea and half-baked ideas might lead to break-through ideas!
Now the key with this brainstorm is that you want to think, “outside of the box, but inside of the brand promise.” That is you want to list ideas that flow out of your particular promise.
For example, if you brand promise is authentic excitement you might list:
- Discover something real
- Experience something real
- No perfect people allowed
- Life so good, life so real
- Know genuine life
- Stop being bored
- Lighting up true life
- Lighting up real life
- Unreal community, real life
- True excitement
- Live actually
- Fellowship of excitement
If you don’t have a list of 100 ideas you don’t have enough ideas.
GO TO Step FOUR: Review Taglines from other Ministries and Competitors
Return to Tagline Post Overview

Tags: Awareness, Tagline, Team Brainstorm, Will Mancini