Developing a Tagline for Your Church, Step 7: Final Decision

By now you are ready to pull the trigger.
Use your external ranked list as a very serious perspective for input, but not necessarily the final basis. If there is a clear favorite from the external audience, I would highly recommend using it, unless there is a compelling reason otherwise.
If two or three of the external opinions are equal weight, then let the team or the senior pastor (or however your church makes decisions) make the final choice.
The goal is to create a collaborative decision that will create confidence and enthusiasm from the leadership team first and then the entire body. The collaborative decision should:
- Represent the strength of the church
- Create a seamless experience with the church’s first impression
- Be based on the gospel
- Represent at least two weeks of thoughtful leadership reflection
- Not create confusion with other organizations’ taglines
- Weight the external opinions highly
- Rally leaders and the entire congregation to deliver on the promise
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Tags: Awareness, Final Decision, Tagline, Will Mancini