Do you have a Good Guest Experience?
Why settle for good?
Why not give your First Time Guests an exceptional welcome!
Here’s something that will help: Two days of training and preparation at Auxano’s Guest Experience Boot Camp in Cincinnati, OH, on August 7-8.
Introducing Auxano’s Guest Experience Boot Camp:
First Time Guests coming to your church will decide to come back or not in the first 11 minutes. And that timer doesn’t start in worship… it starts as they make multiple decisions approaching your campus, pulling into the parking lot, and entering your building.
What will your First Time Guests experience in their first 11 minutes?
Based on over 500 onsite Guest Perspective evaluations with churches of every size and tribe, Auxano’s Guest Experience Boot Camp exemplifies our biblical mandate to have a love for strangers – and create a culture of hospitality!
This 2-Day Boot Camp will include:
- Immersive and interactive training with up to five team members
- Guided learning around core leadership principles from Auxano’s Guest Experience Workbook
- Development of a phased Guest Experience implementation plan integrated into your church context
- Reproducible take-home training tools for your entire Guest Experience team
- Collaborative learning with other dynamic churches
- A 60-minute, one-on-one virtual coaching session one one month after the Boot Camp to check in on your work toward implementing your plan
- Two virtual follow-up sessions with Boot Camp participants two and three months after the Boot Camp
- Lunches and breaks throughout the Boot Camp
The Guest Experience Boot Camp will be held at Vineyard Cincinnati, in Springdale, OH, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday, August 7-8.
Register for the Guest Experience Boot Camp
The $1,995 investment includes registration for up to five members of your church team. Transportation to the host church, local lodging, and evening meals will be the responsibility of each church.
Your Boot Camp Navigators:
Bob Adams is passionate about helping church leaders understand the importance of Guest Experiences in their church. For over 37 years he has served the church in various capacities, working with hundreds of churches in developing Guest Experience ministries. He serves as Auxano’s Guest Experience specialist.
Bryan Rose pairs a degree in Architecture with a servant’s heart for ministry through the local church – the result of which is a powerful passion for creating Compelling Environments to help churches reach and connect with their community. As Lead Navigator for Auxano, Bryan has a strong bias toward merging strategy and creativity to create break-thru clarity for every church team.
Join us at the Guest Experience Boot Camp for a collaborative learning environment that will help you design a Guest Experience centered on your vision and built around a culture of hospitality.
Register for the Auxano Guest Experience Boot Camp here.

Tags: Auxano Boot Camp, Bob Adams, Boot Camp, Bryan Rose, Guest Experience Boot Camp, Guest Experience Training