How Passionate is Your Tribe? 5 Questions

Here are my three favorite Seth Godin quotes pertaining to tribal passion:
“Do you believe in what you do? Every day? It turns out that belief happens to be a brilliant strategy. Can you imagine Steve Jobs showing up for the paycheck? It’s nice to get paid, its essential to believe.”
“Caring is the key emotion at the center of the tribe… Many organizations are unable to answer the question, “Who cares?” because in fact, no one really does. If you don’t care – really and deeply care – then you can’t possibly lead.“
“The organizations of the future are filled with smart, fast, flexible people on mission. The thing is, that requires leadership.”
Because every leader in your church can be placed on a continuum of emotional ownership, consider these questions for team discussion:
- Who are most passionate in our ministry? How did they get that way? How do we help more people catch the passion?
- What is keeping me from caring more? When did I care about my mission the most? Why then?
- How can we make creating enthusiasm a part of our leadership development strategy?
- What can I do today to encourage a leader down the continuum from common interest to passionate mission? How can I use Thanksgiving week to leverage this encouragement?
- Am I as a leader spending adequate time with other leaders so that passion can rub off?
Read Part 1 of the series here; read part 3 of the series here.

Tags: Leadership Engine, Passion, Seth Godin, Tribes, Will Mancini