Is Your Mission Well-Lived and Well-Seen?

Nike just released yet another great video reminding everyone of why they are one of the top apparel companies globally. In it, Nike gives a clear example of why their mission is so effective, better than most churches’ missions.
Full disclosure, Nike has long been one of my favorite and most often used examples of the difference between a mission statement and a tagline. This blog on the subject a few years ago continues to be highly searched and read.
Nike’s tagline is one of the most well-known in the world: Just Do It.
Nike’s mission [Bring Inspiration and Innovation to Every Athlete* In The World] is one of the most unknown in the world… with two huge exceptions.
Exception #1. Nike’s mission is well-lived by the team of executives, developers, designers, marketers and salesforce within the company.
Exception #2. Nike’s mission is well-seen by every person who wears a pair of their shoes.
Many pastors tend to be skeptical of investing time and resources into working on statements of identity like mission or values or taglines, especially when things around church “feel” like they are going well enough.
They wonder if the effort and discussions are worth it, and struggle to see the tangible practicality of clearly articulated vision. They question how important it really is to capture our Great Commission mandate in a contextual, concise and catalytic way for the church.
When any organization lives their mission, the results are seen – and life change becomes possible. The marketing piece below from Nike sums up why, for them, people living out their mission is more important than people knowing their tagline. And shows how good they actually are at living it, better than most churches.
Watch the video linked below and ask yourself, or start a conversation with your team:
How much more important, and eternal, is the mandate of the church than a shoe company?
How well defined and well lived, and resultantly effective, is the mission of our church?
Does your mission create movement and reflect the heart of God for the church or is it just words on a website or worship service bulletin?
Check out this video from Nike and see why it matters.
Do you need help with developing statements of identity like mission and values? Connect with an Auxano Navigator and start a conversation with our team.

Tags: Bryan Rose, Mission, Nike, Tagline