Jesus Built a Pipeline, Not a Platform

Imagine for a moment never having to say, “I don’t have the right leaders,” or “I don’t have enough leaders.”
What if, in the next few months you could eliminate the need to look outside your own leadership pipeline for your next strategic staff hire?
You can – with two days of training and preparation at Auxano’s all-new Leadership Pipeline Boot Camp in Houston, TX.
Introducing Auxano’s Leadership Pipeline Boot Camp:
Is your church over-programmed and under-discipled? Quit talking about it and do something!
Designed by Mac Lake and Will Mancini, the Boot Camp will provide the only toolbox on planet earth that will help you design a leadership pipeline to overcome your recurring leadership development problem. The Boot Camp will include:
- Two full days training with your team (up to 5)
- Leadership Pipeline Workbook for each team member
- Customized Leadership Pipeline Implementation Plan for your church
- Training Tools for your team
- A 60-minute, one-on-one virtual coaching session for your church
- Virtual follow-up sessions with Boot Camp participants
- Wednesday, November 29, 2017
- Wednesday, January 10, 2018
- Wednesday, February 7, 2018
- Plus two additional dates TBD
- The virtual follow-up sessions will be run in two identical groups: Group 1 from 10 a.m. to Noon ET, and Group 2 from 1 – 3 p.m. ET.
- Lunches and breaks throughout the Boot Camp
The Leadership Pipeline Boot Camp will be held at the Clear Creek Community Church in Houston, TX, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, October 23-24. The Clear Lake campus is easily accessible to hotels and restaurants.
Register for the Leadership Pipeline Boot Camp
The $1,995 investment includes registration for up to five members of your church team. Transportation to the host church, local lodging, breakfast, and evening meals are NOT included.
Your Boot Camp Navigators:
Mac Lake – Mac is a pioneering influence in the church planting movement. In 1997, he planted Carolina Forest Community Church (Myrtle Beach, SC). In 2004, he began serving as Leadership Development Pastor at Seacoast Church (Charleston, SC) where he served for over six years. In July 2010 Mac Lake joined with West Ridge Church to become the Visionary Architect for the LAUNCH Network.
David Putman – In 2010 David founded Planting the Gospel, a network of gospel-centered, disciple making churches committed to helping churches grow and multiply disciples. He planted his first church in 1988 and has served as a planter, strategist and coach. His experience includes serving with the North American Mission Board, where he was responsible for setting strategic direction for the Church Planting Group. He also served as Executive Pastor of Mountain Lake Church in the north Atlanta area where he co-founded churchplanters.com.
Join us at the Leadership Pipeline Boot Camp for a collaborative learning environment that will help you design a Leadership Pipeline centered on your vision and focused on building a culture of leadership development emphasizing four essential components.
Register for the Auxano Leadership Pipeline Boot Camp here.

Tags: Auxano Boot Camp Series, Boot Camp, David Putman, Leadership Pipeline, Mac Lake