Are You Looking for Tools to Help Design Your Succession Planning Process?

“Succession planning” is actually a catchphrase for five distinct conversations.
You are somewhere in one of those conversations right now – do you want to know the difference?
You can lean the differences in two days of training and preparation at Auxano’s Pastoral Succession Boot Camp in Phoenix, AZ.
Introducing Auxano’s Pastoral Succession Boot Camp:
One hundred percent of all pastors stop pastoring at some point.
You can avoid the succession crisis in your church, and learn to use tools to help design your own succession.
The Pastoral Succession Boot Camp will help you learn how to transition with wisdom and power. The Boot Camp will include:
- Two full days of training with your team (9 a.m. – 4 p.m.)
- Pastoral Succession Workbook for each team member
- Customized Pastoral Succession Implementation Plan for your church
- Training tools for your team
- Lunches and breaks throughout the Boot Camp
- One 90-minute virtual coaching follow-up session for your church
Transportation, lodging, breakfast, and evening meals are NOT included.
The Pastoral Succession Boot Camp will be held at Mountain Park Church in Phoenix, AZ, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 21-22.
Register for the Pastoral Succession Boot Camp
The $1,995 investment includes registration for up to five members of your church team. Transportation to the host church, local lodging, breakfast, and evening meals are NOT included.
Join us at the Pastoral Succession Boot Camp for a collaborative learning environment that will help you design a succession plan centered on your vision and focused on the overall health and effectiveness of a leadership transition.
Register for the Auxano Pastoral Succession Boot Camp here.

Tags: Auxano Boot Camp, Auxano Boot Camp Series, pastoral succession