Open Your Ministry to the Power of a Generation
Encouraging a healthy and welcoming community among all generations.
How is your church tapping into the power of the 20-something generation? Maybe you know you could do much better, but have been challenged by not really knowing what you can, and should be doing. The millennials are reachable. Through the voice of a 20-something, get a glimpse into their heart, and be inspired by the possibilities.
Whatever It Takes
by Heather Stevens
20-somethings seem to be leaving the Church at a rapid pace, and it saddens me because often that is due to unfortunate experiences that aren’t representative of what Jesus has called us to. It’s so easy to become hardened to Christianity because of that one person, one circumstance, or one church. Take Alex, for example. Hers is the story of so many 20-somethings today: a girl who, after seeing more negative than positive done by Christianity, decided to leave the Church for good.
The Christian church seems so incredibly and undeniably hypocritical. Not only do they bicker with other religions but among the denominations. There is no tolerance for outsiders’ or differing opinions… This is not the Church Jesus created. I recently stopped wearing my cross because I didn’t want to be associated with the angry and ignorant people who seemingly use their Bibles as weapons against people who aren’t exactly like them.
>> Read more here.

Tags: 20-something, Execution, Heather Stevens