Overcoming the 10 Myths of a Generous Church
I constantly hear pastors bemoan why their church is not more generous. “Our people just don’t give enough” or “We aren’t a rich church” are the two most common replies I encounter. It is so easy for expansive generosity to be considered a gift for someone else. Before you write off your generosity potential, here is my top 10 list of myths about a generous church.
1. Generous Churches are huge.
> False: They come in all sizes.
2. Generous Churches are filled with rich people.
> False: They are filled with growing people.
3. Generous Churches are in the Bible Belt.
> False: They are anywhere.
4. Generous Churches are older and more mature.
> False: They are changed, focused, and passionate.
5. Generous Churches are growing rapidly.
> False: They are consistently aligned.
6. Generous Churches are only about numbers.
> False: They are about impact.
7. Generous Churches have a charismatic leader.
> False: They are a led by a visionary leader.
8. Generous Churches are in big cities.
> False: They are where a generous leader is.
9. Generous Churches have a large staff and budget.
> False: They have a leadership pipeline and spend strategically.
10. Generous Churches have small visions.
> False: They pray and live boldly.
Consistently I find that one characteristic above all others can be found every time you encounter a generous church – a generous staff being led by a generous pastor.

Tags: 10 Myths of a Generous Church, Generosity, Generous Church, Todd McMichen