3 Real-Life Examples of 10-10 Lists to Jumpstart Your Journey to Bigger Dreaming

Cory Hartman has become a good friend this past year as he began to work with me as a collaborative writer. Our big project was to complete the forthcoming book, Younique: Designing the Life God Dreamed for You. (Read the first-ever excerpt here.) Cory is a pastor and a writer who came through a Younique Accelerator. Shortly afterwards he decided to start pursuing writing full-time. I am glad he did.

He and his wife Kelly sat down and worked on their 10-10 Lists together:

Cory’s 10-10 List

Cory’s 10 (12) past

  1. I earned a doctoral degree.
  2. I got someone (I really, really liked) to marry me.
  3. I traveled across the country and saw wonders in National Parks in the West.
  4. I won on Jeopardy!
  5. I sat in on piano with a gigging band for money.
  6. I led my friend Joe to Christ.
  7. I won a Magic: The Gathering prerelease sealed deck tournament (more than once).
  8. I twice served as pastor of a church.
  9. I was in a wedding in the National Cathedral.
  10. I heard one of my kids participate in an excellent concert performance of a great work (Vivaldi’s Gloria).
  11. I co-wrote a book that will be published by an established house with my name on the cover.
  12. I performed a Bach keyboard concerto.

Cory’s 10 future

  1. I want to be part of starting a church that reaches intellectuals who don’t yet know Christ.
  2. I want to give away a million dollars of my (our) own money.
  3. I want to take a river cruise in Europe. (I’m thinking the Rhine.)
  4. I want to take a tour of ancient sites where Paul walked.
  5. I want to tour Israel with a friend who knows it well.
  6. I want to teach an entire course as a guest professor.
  7. I want to see a manifestation of genuine spiritual revival with my own eyes in a church or community.
  8. I want to give a commencement address.
  9. I want to read the entire Oxford History of the United States.
  10. I want to live by water for over a year.

Kelly’s 10-10 List

Kelly’s 10 (12) past

  1. I performed as myself as a soloist on the Mishler Theatre stage.
  2. I took a cross-country trip to California in an RV with my family.
  3. I got to see Phantom of the Opera in Toronto in the 11th row.
  4. I got an associate’s degree in insurance.
  5. I sang in a nightclub in New Jersey with legit NYC singers.
  6. I gave birth to four children.
  7. I conducted a pit orchestra at the Mishler Theatre.
  8. I auditioned for Scott Alan in New York City.
  9. I took an RV trip to Montana and got to see glaciers.
  10. My husband and I had an amazing date at the top of a revolving restaurant in New York City and saw a Broadway show.
  11. I got to see my son perform a lead role in a musical.
  12. I gave Jonathan Groff solicited performance advice.

Kelly’s 10 future

  1. I want to live in a house I own on the Massachusetts North Shore.
  2. I want to perform on Broadway.
  3. I want to help broker full reconciliation between estranged family members.
  4. I want to do a Mediterranean cruise.
  5. I want to visit the Sydney Opera House.
  6. I want always to have some chunk of time with all of our family (kids and grandkids) together every year.
  7. I want to perform in Boston.
  8. I want to ride in a hot air balloon.
  9. I want to help someone I know to see truth that enables them to walk away from destructive behavior.
  10. I want to sing the national anthem for a major professional sports team.

John’s 10-10 List

John Thielepape is the Director of Missions for a Baptist association of churches in Texas. He is a stellar dude who keeps himself sharp with the best certifications in order to train pastors. He came though Younique years ago and is finishing his 100 Life Dreams List. He sent a pic o f his 10-10 List below.


Much thanks to Cory, Kelly and John for granting permission to publish their lists. As you know, these are very personal.

Many of you have sent in your lists or are mentioning that you are following along with this initiative. Thank you to you even though I am not publishing them all. And, if you are following along with this #LifeDesignWithMe project, please let me know.

> Read more from Will.



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Will Mancini

Will Mancini

Will Mancini wants you and your ministry to experience the benefits of stunning, God-given clarity. As a pastor turned vision coach, Will has worked with an unprecedented variety of churches from growing megachurches and missional communities, to mainline revitalization and church plants. He is the founder of Auxano, creator of VisionRoom.com and the author of God Dreams and Church Unique.

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How to Create Your Own 30-Minute 10-10 List

Four days ago, I kicked off the #LifeDesignWithMe 90-day adventure.

The goal is to lift your life aspirations to the point that you can name literally 100 Life Dreams. That’s right—I know it sounds crazy.

But I will show you how. And you will thank me later. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.

The process of disciplined dreaming is not new to me. But I want to model a simple 10-10 List as if I am doing it for the first time.

So on the airplane today I spent the first 30 minutes and wrote down the first 10 things that I am thankful to God for that He enabled me to accomplish in life. Then I wrote down 10 things that have been in my mind but that I have never written down that I would like to do. (Even though I have lots of stuff on my bucket list already, there are always new Life Dreams emerging. Eventually you will find that 100 Life Dreams is a small list!!!)

10 Things by God’s grace I’m glad I accomplished:

  1. I collected almost every Lincoln penny before 5th grade. I was a nerd and didn’t care. (I still need a 1909 v.d.b. Lincoln cent.)
  2. I got a job at a ski shop (the Ski Bum in Chadds Ford, PA) in high school to live the dream of opening a mountain biking department for the store. I thought It was my only way to afford my own bike, but my parents bought me one for my college graduation!
  3. Harvey Nowland invited me to preach at the Willowdale Chapel as a untrained college student. I was scared to death, but I did it. It was on the topic of eternal perspective.
  4. I completed a 5-year ThM from Dallas Seminary due to the gracious support of 4 individuals; the Tebo’s, the Vansant’s and my Uncle Tom and Aunt Diane.
  5. I followed God’s prompting to start an evangelist bible study in League City, TX and 10 neighborhood couples showed up. It was the most life-changing small group I led as a full-time pastor.
  6. I started my own consulting company at age 35, and it worked (Auxano). Several people inspired me to do this including, Howard Hendricks, Tom Haynes, Aldie Beard, Kevin McCarthy and Aubrey Malphurs.
  7. My mentor Aubrey Malphurs invited me to co-author a book with him (Building Leaders). That would change my life.
  8. I took my first 3 kids (now I have 4) on a week long snowboarding adventure every other year growing up after Jacob turned age nine.
  9. I took my wife Romy on an a “life dream”trip to Santorini. We clapped and cheered every night for 7 perfect sunsets. (Many people considered it a risky time to go to Greece but I’m so glad I went!)
  10. I spent a “dream week on the beach” with my Mom and Dad for their 50th wedding anniversary to celebrate their amazing love for one another and the godly heritage they passed on to our family.

10 Things that are in my head that I have not written down yet:

  1. I want to take an art history course.
  2. I want to partner with a friend to do more real estate investments.
  3. I want to further activate my wife’s amazing capacity to “express compassion” through a third world ministry experience.
  4. I want to create an evangelism tool that uses the meaning of names to start spiritual conversations.
  5. I want to be painter some day.
  6. I want to remove every barrier to being with all of my children, their spouses and their children at the same time, one week per year.
  7. I want to take an interior decorating class. (Don’t judge me.)
  8. I want to regularly get 20 feet of air on kite board.
  9. I want to design my own super sustainable home that can go off-grid after I hit age 60.
  10. I want to start a church training center that trains 18 church leaders every week for 40 weeks a year.

Alright, stop stalling. Quit dabbling. Please don’t settle any longer. Dreaming is free. Get started. Write your 10-10 List now. It took me 30 minutes and it moved me to tears. What are you waiting for?

When you are finished send me a picture!!!

> Read more from Will.

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Will Mancini

Will Mancini

Will Mancini wants you and your ministry to experience the benefits of stunning, God-given clarity. As a pastor turned vision coach, Will has worked with an unprecedented variety of churches from growing megachurches and missional communities, to mainline revitalization and church plants. He is the founder of Auxano, creator of VisionRoom.com and the author of God Dreams and Church Unique.

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How to Get Started on Your 100 Life Dreams List

Recently I launched a 90-day journey to equip and encourage you to develop a 100 Life Dreams List. My inspiration is a special life design experiment that I am conducting by living in Aspen Colorado for 3 months this winter. It just so happens that snowboarding 50 days in one season is one of my life dreams. So while I work and ride and spend some really special time with my family, I am going to be posting all kinds of stuff to help you.

So what’s the first step? I’m glad you asked.


There are two things I want you to do today to get started. The first step is to calendar block 6 hours between now and Good Friday (April 19, 2019). That is exactly 90-days. You can do that 3 ways or any combination that works best for your rhythm of reflection and planning.

  • 30 minutes a week
  • 2 hours a month
  • one day in the next 90 days

The greatest barrier to doing anything with intentional living is that we don’t calendar block in advance. I use the term “calendar blocking” a lot. It’s just my way to describe scheduling. But I like the emphasis on “blocking out” the most important things in your life. The urgent things in life will always eclipse the important things if we don’t. How can I prove that? How many dreams do you have written down right now?


Every person has some things already accomplished in their life and some things rumbling around their mind and heart that they want to do. So I want you to get started on your 100 Life Dreams List by creating a much simpler “10-10 List. Your 10-10 List is a list of ten things you have previously accomplished in life (think prior bucket list items) and ten things that you have already thought of that you want to do in your lifetime (think bucket list stuff that’s yet to be done.) Think of it as a way to jump start your journey of bigger dreaming. Take 20-30 minutes to create the list.

Your 10-10 List is important for three reasons:

  1. It primes the pump of gratitude as you look back over your life. To establish future dreaming as an act of worship it helps to look back and celebrate God’s known and experienced goodness. What has God enabled you to do? What are you thankful for the most? Who has he brought in your life to inspire or guide you? How has he provided? For example, I was able to become an author in 2004, because my friend and mentor Aubrey Malphurs invited me to co-author the book Building Leaders. I had no platform at all and Aubrey played a crucial role in helping me transition from pastoring to consulting.
  2. It is practice to start writing things down. It’s amazing how the failure to write things down prevents us from experiencing the best opportunities of life. Practice writing. Do so by using your favorite means to record your ideas. Get a fresh journal. Use your favorite app. But whatever you do, write your ideas down. I just purchased a new 90-day journal because the Younique team is still in the development process of creating our own 90-day planner for Younique’s Life Making Cycle. In that journal I have my one 90-day goal and my 4 NOW rhythms (I will be sprinkling in and introducing you to some of the Younique lingo and tools on this journey.)
  3. Realize that as a human being you are by God’s design a dreamer. You remind yourself of this amazing reality by writing down the things that are already in your mind. Where has God already led you? You were born with creativity an imagination as a birthright. So bask in that truth. For further inspiration you can download the first chapter of my God Dreams book at the “Get Now” tab on this page. What are your current aspirations? What kind of person have you wanted to become? What kinds of things have you already planned to do? For example I want to use this next 90 days to capture the stories of 100 people who actually completed writing down 100 life dreams for the first time. That’s a dream of having 10,000 new dreams in the world by Easter. (Will you be one of those 100?) #100Dreams

So those are your two simple steps to get this party started with me. Schedule 6-hours for thinking, reflecting and writing. And start by making your 10-10 List. I will have some downloadable tools as we walk this journey together. But for your 10-10 List, I want you to practice using your own tool for writing stuff down.

Please stay in touch over the course of this 90-days. If you are around Colorado, come on over to Aspen and let’s talk about your dreams over lunch. Follow all of the content that is coming by connecting to me on you favorite social channels.

Before I sign off today to hit the slopes today, if you think you are going to have a role change or significant transition in your vocational calling this year, you might want to check out the free eBook that I just released entitled Clarity Spiral. It’s all about finding your ONE THING in life.

> Read more from Will.


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Will Mancini

Will Mancini

Will Mancini wants you and your ministry to experience the benefits of stunning, God-given clarity. As a pastor turned vision coach, Will has worked with an unprecedented variety of churches from growing megachurches and missional communities, to mainline revitalization and church plants. He is the founder of Auxano, creator of VisionRoom.com and the author of God Dreams and Church Unique.

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