3 Real-Life Examples of 10-10 Lists to Jumpstart Your Journey to Bigger Dreaming

Cory Hartman has become a good friend this past year as he began to work with me as a collaborative writer. Our big project was to complete the forthcoming book, Younique: Designing the Life God Dreamed for You. (Read the first-ever excerpt here.) Cory is a pastor and a writer who came through a Younique Accelerator. Shortly afterwards he decided to start pursuing writing full-time. I am glad he did.
He and his wife Kelly sat down and worked on their 10-10 Lists together:
Cory’s 10-10 List
Cory’s 10 (12) past
- I earned a doctoral degree.
- I got someone (I really, really liked) to marry me.
- I traveled across the country and saw wonders in National Parks in the West.
- I won on Jeopardy!
- I sat in on piano with a gigging band for money.
- I led my friend Joe to Christ.
- I won a Magic: The Gathering prerelease sealed deck tournament (more than once).
- I twice served as pastor of a church.
- I was in a wedding in the National Cathedral.
- I heard one of my kids participate in an excellent concert performance of a great work (Vivaldi’s Gloria).
- I co-wrote a book that will be published by an established house with my name on the cover.
- I performed a Bach keyboard concerto.
Cory’s 10 future
- I want to be part of starting a church that reaches intellectuals who don’t yet know Christ.
- I want to give away a million dollars of my (our) own money.
- I want to take a river cruise in Europe. (I’m thinking the Rhine.)
- I want to take a tour of ancient sites where Paul walked.
- I want to tour Israel with a friend who knows it well.
- I want to teach an entire course as a guest professor.
- I want to see a manifestation of genuine spiritual revival with my own eyes in a church or community.
- I want to give a commencement address.
- I want to read the entire Oxford History of the United States.
- I want to live by water for over a year.
Kelly’s 10-10 List
Kelly’s 10 (12) past
- I performed as myself as a soloist on the Mishler Theatre stage.
- I took a cross-country trip to California in an RV with my family.
- I got to see Phantom of the Opera in Toronto in the 11th row.
- I got an associate’s degree in insurance.
- I sang in a nightclub in New Jersey with legit NYC singers.
- I gave birth to four children.
- I conducted a pit orchestra at the Mishler Theatre.
- I auditioned for Scott Alan in New York City.
- I took an RV trip to Montana and got to see glaciers.
- My husband and I had an amazing date at the top of a revolving restaurant in New York City and saw a Broadway show.
- I got to see my son perform a lead role in a musical.
- I gave Jonathan Groff solicited performance advice.
Kelly’s 10 future
- I want to live in a house I own on the Massachusetts North Shore.
- I want to perform on Broadway.
- I want to help broker full reconciliation between estranged family members.
- I want to do a Mediterranean cruise.
- I want to visit the Sydney Opera House.
- I want always to have some chunk of time with all of our family (kids and grandkids) together every year.
- I want to perform in Boston.
- I want to ride in a hot air balloon.
- I want to help someone I know to see truth that enables them to walk away from destructive behavior.
- I want to sing the national anthem for a major professional sports team.
John’s 10-10 List
John Thielepape is the Director of Missions for a Baptist association of churches in Texas. He is a stellar dude who keeps himself sharp with the best certifications in order to train pastors. He came though Younique years ago and is finishing his 100 Life Dreams List. He sent a pic o f his 10-10 List below.
Much thanks to Cory, Kelly and John for granting permission to publish their lists. As you know, these are very personal.
Many of you have sent in your lists or are mentioning that you are following along with this initiative. Thank you to you even though I am not publishing them all. And, if you are following along with this #LifeDesignWithMe project, please let me know.

Tags: #LifeDesignWithMe, 10-10 List, Life Planning, younique