4 Systems Every Church Needs

You may or may not be a systems person. You may lead a large or very small church. Regardless the context, systems need to be in place or success will always elude you.
Every church needs to ask and answer these questions in the context of a measurable system they have put in place.
#1 Attraction
When are we attracting people to the Kingdom?
If we never attract people to us, they will never experience the Jesus in us. So we need a system that allows those on the outside to see what we have on the inside. When do we do that….intentionally?
- Sunday morning? How?
- Missional communities? How?
- Personally? How?
- Outreach? How?
#2 Assimilation
How are we keeping those God sends us?
We are very poor stewards of the Kingdom, if God brings us people and we don’t do everything possible to keep them. If a new person is introduced to our church, then what?
- Once someone gets to know us or the church what is the next place? Where?
- Do we know how many we have seeking? How do we record it, Where?
- What is our definition of the person who is “committed?”
#3 Action
What are we challenging people to do?
We must have a system that takes people from their first steps to equipping them to be productive missionaries in a lost world. If the church doesn’t train them, then Who?
- What do we consider our “roads to outreach?”
- Is a lifestyle of living out our mission expected?
- How do we record new additions? Who contributed to that action?
#4 Activation
Where are we sending people?
Once a follower is fully trained, they should be like their teacher, i.e., Jesus. Jesus went from town to town, from person to place demonstrating and communicating the Kingdom. When our people are trained, what opportunities do we provide or encourage them to engage in. Where?
- How are our groups working toward our mission?
- Where do we encourage individuals to make contact with those outside the Kingdom?
- How do we measure how effective our strategy is in accomplishing our mission
These are some questions we have had to answer recently. Can you add any to the list?

Tags: Action, Activation, Artie Davis, Assimilation, Attraction, Vision Frame