Communicating Your Vision Visually

If you are clear about who you are and where you are going as a church that’s awesome. Now it’s time to help everyone else in the world to see it, catch it and pass it on. The single most powerful way to help people become contagious carriers of your vision is to give it to them visually!
Did you know that of all five of your senses, your brain allocates 80% of its energy to the eyes. We are visual thinkers. I have watched over and over and over, how many people NEVER get the vision through words alone. So what kind of visuals are we talking about? Allow me to explain two ways.
First, I will ask you some simple questions as a bit of a litmus test. Second, I have attached Auxano’s brand process guide to illustrate how we build a design and communication toolbox for churches.
Have You Communicated Vision Visually?
- Does your logo tell a story or create a conversation starting point?
- Do you hand out a program or worship guide during services that is hard to throw away?
- Is your church’s mobile website easy to use and engaging?
- Can you draw your church’s strategy as a simple napkin sketch? (i.e., how you make disciples)
- Do you capture video testimonies that illustrate your church’s mission, vision and values in the lives of people?
- Do you have stylistically appealing tagline? (font, color, placement)
- Can you read and see things about your church on social media (facebook, twitter, instagram)?
- Do you have a 3-5 minute anchor video that shows where God is taking your church?
- Do you have a consistent set of purposefully chosen design elements (based on you mission and values) that make up the look and fee of your primary communication tools?
- Does your space intentionally utilize your church’s brand from architectural pieces and symbols to banners and signage?
Would you like to do a better job this year with this important aspect of vision-casting? If so, check out the brand process guide that we use at Auxano. It tells the story of the design and communication toolbox we did for Christ Fellowship in West Palm Beach.
DOWNLOAD: The Auxano Brand Process Guide
If you are interested in getting some outside help for branding & design, you can let us know here.
Tags: Brand Process Guide, Christ Fellowship Palm Beach, Vision visually, Will Mancini