Vision Recovery Process – Step 2: DEVELOP Your Strategy

As a part of Auxano’s Better Future Webinar Series, we will be posting videos and links here from this week’s topics.


Listed below are the next 30-minute “Vision Recovery Process” webinar videos, introduced this week as a part of our Better Future Webinar Series.

Please click on the images below to play the videos.

Tuesday, April 21


Thursday, April 23

Supporting resources discussed in the webinars are available as the following PDF downloads.

  • Building a Virtual Team
  • “Invest” Phase Worksheet
  • Our Milestone
  • “Invest” Phase Worksheet V2

> To receive these downloads, please complete this form; you will receive an email with download instructions.

Our team of Navigators is also offering free, 30 minute follow-up coaching calls. To schedule a call, please complete this form.


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Bob Adams is Auxano's Vision Room Curator. His background includes over 23 years as an associate/executive pastor as well as 8 years as the Lead Consultant for a church design build company. He joined Auxano in 2012.

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Clarity Process

Three effective ways to start moving toward clarity right now.

Your Opportunity for God Dreams Training – Virtually!

Your church needs more than another strategic plan in this season. Don’t waste critical time this Summer, making wrong assumptions from limited-perspective planning. Decisions your church makes right now will impact the next decade of effective ministry.

Times of uncertainty like these require both vision and strategy. The Horizon Storyline tool from Will Mancini’s groundbreaking 2016 book, God Dreams, helps leaders develop the right amount of vision content for the right time in the future, for the entire leadership team.

Now, Auxano co-founders Jim Randall and Will Mancini are unpacking the Horizon Storyline toolbox in a live, online training May 4th-7th for a limited group of church and denominational leaders. In this God Dreams Certification course, thoughtful church leaders will learn to master the content and become prepared to serve their teams.

Additionally, if you have ever considered leveraging your experience to serve other churches, but didn’t know where to start, this event is for you. Being a “God Dreams Certified” consultant will give you unparalleled tools and expert training, launching you into this new season.

To maximize learning in this unique and dynamic live event, we are limiting registration. It will fill up quickly.

Go ahead, take your next step, and learn more about God Dreams Certification right here.

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Bob Adams is Auxano's Vision Room Curator. His background includes over 23 years as an associate/executive pastor as well as 8 years as the Lead Consultant for a church design build company. He joined Auxano in 2012.

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Clarity Process

Three effective ways to start moving toward clarity right now.

Vision Recovery Process, Step 2: DEVELOP Your Strategy

Things are shifting everyday. The question everyone is asking, including your church, is when will everything get back to normal?

When will we get back to normal? No one knows. No one really even knows what the word ‘normal’ will even mean. What we do know it’s going to take longer than we anticipate calling on us to prepare for the worst and pray for the best. Church leaders will need to consider three very distinct planning cycles. The Disruption Timeline, introduced in our Better Web Series on April 14 and 16, depicts three phases of planning that results in three three unique planning rhythms.

In this week’s Better Future Web Series, join Jim Randall and Kent Vincent to consider the potential of instilling a “new normal” within your congregation. Learn about the Vision Recovery Process, Step 2: DEVELOP Your Strategy, on April 21/23 11am EDT/10 am CDT. Register for this FREE webinar here: 

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Bob Adams is Auxano's Vision Room Curator. His background includes over 23 years as an associate/executive pastor as well as 8 years as the Lead Consultant for a church design build company. He joined Auxano in 2012.

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Clarity Process

Three effective ways to start moving toward clarity right now.

Better Future Web Series: ADAPT Your Communication

In these no-cost, 30-minute daily leadership moments, our team of Navigators is delivering timely content designed to bring breakthrough clarity in a season of unprecedented uncertainty.

People are listening and looking for stability, and there is nothing more stable than a clear vision.


For these two sessions, Auxano co-founder Jim Randall unpacks vision-driven communication and complete clarity best practices. Click on the images below to watch the videos.


Part 1


Part 2

Participate in live webinars daily (M-F) here.





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Bob Adams is Auxano's Vision Room Curator. His background includes over 23 years as an associate/executive pastor as well as 8 years as the Lead Consultant for a church design build company. He joined Auxano in 2012.

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Clarity Process

Three effective ways to start moving toward clarity right now.

Have You Considered Going Mobile with Your Strategy?

Each day, 3,300 women wake up in America believing abortion is the only realistic solution to an unplanned pregnancy. In this tragic decision, not only does a human life cease to exist, but a woman’s life is changed forever. Abortion is never the solution.

Mosaic Pregnancy & Health Centers knows this… and they seek to give a better solution. An organization whose mission is to reveal truth to their clients through the mosaic of life, Mosaic has been serving women and men facing unplanned pregnancies for over 25 years. When given truth and support, 97% of the abortion-vulnerable women choose life for themselves and their unborn child.

Mosaic’s strategy is three-fold: Connect, Counsel, and Continue.

The first step is to connect. The client may have certain expectations in coming to Mosaic. It is important that their peer counselor understands where they are coming from during their first appointment. From that day forward, they are not alone.

The next step is counsel. Upon arriving for their first appointment, patients are assigned a peer counselor that will meet with them for approximately a one-hour counseling session. A pregnancy and/or STD test will be offered. Based on the information the patient provides, the peer-counselor will share how Mosaic can best help.

The final step is to continue.  Mosaic’s approach to help is based on continued support. The initial counseling session may only last for one hour, but the peer counselor will continue to support the patient throughout his or her time of need. All of our services are free and confidential.

Mosaic Pregnancy & Health Centers is a Christ-centered ministry whose staff, led by Executive Director Kathy Sparks, believes that transformed lives lead to changed values, which lead to changed behaviors. Despite this, about five years ago, they saw the number of clients coming to their centers plateau at around 500 new clients per year. Compared to the 5,000 abortions that continued to be performed locally each year, this was unacceptable. However, with their limited client rooms and appointment times, high overhead costs of brick and mortar locations, and accessibility issues of abortion-vulnerable clients, there didn’t seem to be a solution to their problem.

That is… until they decided to go mobile.

JR Mosaic-logo

With the challenge to reach twice as many abortion-vulnerable women, they created C2 by Mosaic- a mobile medical unit that takes two of the strategy steps, Connect and Counsel (C2) to their clients by offering free pregnancy testing and ultrasounds.

With help from Focus on the Family’s Option Ultrasound, they were able to purchase a new ultrasound machine in 2012 and were on the road by 2013 with C2 Mobile. Over the past year, new clients are up 25% and C2 Mobile has been a success!

JR Go-MobileMosaic’s story is unique in that not every company has the ability or need to go mobile. However, it’s not-so-unique in that they had a problem, and they had to figure out how to solve that problem. They weren’t content with plateauing at 500 new clients a year when they knew ten times that in abortions were happening right outside their front door. So they did something about it. They brought their ministry to the front doors of their clients.

So what’s your story? Where have you plateaued in your ministry or organization? Sometimes the answer is right in front of you, you just have to think outside of the box… and maybe go mobile with your strategy.

> Read more from Jim.

Learn how to move your church or organizational strategy outside the walls.

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Jim Randall

As Chief Management Officer and Lead Navigator for Auxano, Jim Randall has guided churches all over the country as a “vision strategist.” After serving as the primary developer of ministries within the local church, Jim became one of the founding officers of Auxano in 2004. Jim’s expertise lies with developing ministries based upon clarified vision. He brings a breadth of leadership and church growth knowledge from his proficiency of coaching senior pastors and multiple church staffs in the vision arena, especially around organizational clarity, ministry alignment, and team synergy. Jim has demonstrated achievement as a strategic thinker with a unique ability to bring a group of people to a deep sense of personal ownership and passion. His education includes a Master of Arts in Religious Education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and a B.S. in Religion from Liberty University. Jim lives just outside of Orlando in Merritt Island, FL with his wife and son.

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Clarity Process

Three effective ways to start moving toward clarity right now.