Ministry Success is a Moving Target You Have to Hit Again and Again

We live in a time of brutal competition.
Fickle consumer trends, friction-free markets, and political unrest threaten the existence of many organizations.
Nearly every industry is in the midst of massive upheaval, with the old stalwarts falling quickly to the new breed of innovators. Dizzying speed, exponential complexity, and mind-numbing technology advances exacerbate the challenges we face as leaders.
With threats like these racing toward you, how do you react? Do you stand frozen in place with fear and anxiety? Or do you leap into action, finding a new and better way forward? Renegade leaders choose to upset the status quo long before there’s a need to do so. Instead of losing ground, these innovators are accomplishing dramatic growth and spurring tremendous economic gain.
Organizations, communities, and individuals fall for many reasons, but one of the most common – and easily avoidable – is the failure to reinvent.
Those who feel the most secure in the status quo are in fact the most vulnerable. Many organizations, once great, wither and die as a direct result of their deep entrenchment in the past. They discover too late that success isn’t about cracking the code once and then enjoying the spoils forever.
The road to ministry success is a moving target that we have to hit again and again. The disruption of ongoing innovation eventually topples any organization that fails to keep moving—to reinvent.
The good news about reinvention is that you don’t need magic, genius, good looks, or vaults of cash to transform your organization. The required elements are open-mindedness, courage, and imagination. Unleashing your imagination is no longer optional. It will, in fact, become the lifeblood of your success.
While the times may be challenging, we’re living in a world of endless possibility. You get to write the script of your own screenplay, paint your own masterpiece.
Take personal responsibility for the outcomes you desire and then proceed with passion and conviction. Now is the time to choose:
- New ideas over old ones
- Abundance over scarcity
- Fresh thinking over conventional wisdom
- Innovation over stagnation
- Growth over protection
- Exploration over fear
- Your dream over someone else’s
Your full potential awaits. Retool. Reimagine. Rework. Rebuild. Recreate. Reestablish. Relaunch. Rekindle. Renew. Rejoice.
>> Download a summary of Josh Linker’s The Road to Reinvention here.

Tags: Innovation, Josh Linker, The Road to Reinvention, ministry innovation, ministry success