What a Baseball Game Can Teach Us About Church Welcoming
I dare you to read about the Savannah Banana success story and not smile…
…and by the way, you will learn some EXCELLENT Guest Experience tips along the way.
Recently, I turned to the Donald Miller “Building a Storybrand” podcast, and it only took about 20 seconds into the interview until I was captivated by the story of Jesse Cole and the Savannah Bananas.
In that short interview, and after about 1 minute on the website, I was hooked.
The story of Jesse Cole and the Savannah Bananas is only marginally about a baseball team. It’s really about the SHOW that goes on before, during, and after every game. Which has lead to a long sellout streak in the past, a waitlist in the thousands, and for the 2019 season – (at the time, six months away), a sellout.
I checked with some friends who live in Savannah, and it was true – the ENTIRE 2019 season is already sold out. That’s a 4,000 seat ball park for a summer college ball league. If you don’t know anything about baseball, that is literally the bottom of the totem pole. Fans aren’t coming to see a baseball game…
…they’re coming for the experience.
How can you translate that into the Guest Experience at your location?
A few articles from Jesse to pump you up:
- A Win at Every Touchpoint
- Why Every Business Needs a Script
- Why Every Company Needs to Break the Rules
His book, Find Your Yellow Tux, has amazing stories about the experience at a Savanna Bananas game. You go to the website, scroll down, and download a free copy of “Secrets of the Yellow Tux Playbook.”
Better yet, watch this video.
You’ll be hooked, too, and want to learn more about how you can make your Guest Experience STAND OUT.
Want to know more about Guest Experiences at your church? Let’s talk! Connect with an Auxano Navigator here.

Tags: Church Guest Experience, Guest Experience, Jesse Cole, Savannah Bananas