Stay Grounded in the Basics to Avoid Boredom in Your Work

A challenge for communicators is to continually tackle the work we do, regardless of how fun and exciting it is. Sometimes, it’s downright boring. This is the final part of a five-part series tackling boring vs. fun in church communication.
Kelvin Co to write this series because his editor was struggling with this very issue. He volunteered to help his church do communication, excited by the prospects. But the reality became drudgery and progressed slowed to a halt. He was faced with the boring vs. the fun.
Kelvin has shared four strategies for tackling this: Embrace them, build your credibility, prevent the boring and empower volunteers. A final strategy is to stay grounded as communicators and as Christians.
Read how Kelvin encourages communicators to stay grounded here.
Begin the series here.
Read more from Kelvin here.

Tags: Attention, Awareness, Creativity, Kelvin Co