A Vision Resource for German-speaking Church Leaders

ND Strupler, Leadership Development Director with the ICF Movement in Zurich, Switzerland, just delivered an early Christmas present to Auxano.
The Church Unique Visual Summary – translated into German.
Will Mancini, founder of Auxano and author of Church Unique, made these comments when learning of the translation:
I love the ICF Movement and the work ND does to equip church planters. I have been grateful for our relationship over the years and time I spent with ICF planters in Zurich last year. I hope this translation will spark some intentional clarity work for many more German-speaking pastors.
Strupler has a clear vision to change culture, and he finds that the most effective way to change culture is through healthy communities that reflect the love of God in everyday life.
I want to get things moving. That’s why I am willing to roll up my sleeves and get to work. I am not satisfied with mediocrity, that’s why I think strategically about how I can help people maximize their leadership skills. I inspire action with a positive attitude and the passion for communication.
Strupler was born in Zurich, Switzerland and lives there now with his wife and two children. After finishing high school he successfully graduated from a 4-year apprenticeship as a professional printer. In 1997 he started to work for ICF Zurich, a church at the heartbeat of time. As a pioneer he started many ministries and projects and lead the youth ministry for 10 years.
Since 2007 Strupler has worked for the ICF Movement, a church planting movement for Europe. Main areas of service are Leader-Development, Consulting, Networking and Creative- Innovation.
Strupler was born in Zurich, Switzerland and lives there now with his wife and two children.
You can download the Church Unique Visual Summary in German here.

Tags: Church Unique, ND Strupler, Visual Summary, Will Mancini