Unsame Your Ministry Vision, Part 1

Are you going to be satisfied with a future for ministry that is more of the same?
Very few pastors break from norm of mediocre church ministry. But I am convinced it doesn’t have to be that way.
Last fall I was honored to participate in Leadership Network’s roll-out of their Leadia Experience. My conribution was FLUX: Four Paths to the Future. FLUX provides a guide for thinking, adapting, and innovating in order to discover new possibilities for your church. It starts with one whiteboard drawing and gives you a matrix for assessing and planning your future.
I encourage you to engage with the full experience. But for now, I challenge you to rethink and reimagine your ministry with this post mini-series from FLUX.
Do not quench your inspiration and your imagination, do not become the slave of your model – Vincent Van Gogh
Every once in while, I find a new feature on my Mac or iPhone, because I discover a default switch or button that I didn’t know existed. In fact there is a specific definition for this:
Default: a selection automatically used by a computer program in the absence of a choice made by the user
Many times it’s no big deal, but sometimes I want to kick myself for missing out on some cool functionality. I didn’t know the default switch even existed!
After a decade of daily conversations about vision with ministry teams, I have discovered a hidden vision switch with a default position in the minds of church leaders. But this default setting is not just about missing out on a nifty feature. It’s about a fundamental mode of thinking that’s limiting us.
Let me explain.
One question I always enjoy asking church leaders is “How do you want your church to be different two years from now?”
What kind of answers do I get?
The most common two-word response is “more people.” Of course that expresses itself in many forms:
- Increased worship
- More growth
- Higher attendance
- Additional services
- Reaching more people
- Reversing decline
Think about that for a minute. “How do you want your church to be different in two years?” Imagine the infinite number of answers possible to this question. For example, pastors could have responded with answers like:
- More desperate for Jesus
- More intimacy between husbands and wives
- More engaged in social justice and civic responsibilities
- More families having devotionals together
- More friendships with people far from God
- More students serving other students
But for the most part, they don’t give answers like this. Despite the rainbow variety of gospel-centered, life-transforming possibilities the most common answer is always, in one form or another, “More people.”
Keep in mind that the one-dimensional answer of “more people” transcends an incredibly wide variety of church settings and leaders, from uptown to small town, mainline or online – from the newest staff newbie to the post-retired, hard-to-expire. Everyone wants “more people.”
And “more people” is good. Jesus wants more people too. And yes, churches “should count people because people count.”
But there’s something important behind the answer of “more people.” And that something reveals this default setting in the life of the everyday pastor. Church leaders are not just saying that want “more people.” What they are really saying is…
KEEP READING (part 2 of 3)

Tags: Clarity, FLUX, Will Mancini