About the Vision Room
The Vision Room, powered by Auxano, is designed to be the best online gathering of leaders and resources on vision clarity. We are vision junkies, so we’re always looking for the best articles, resources, and tools to help ministry leaders like you discover vision clarity and then live out your vision in practical ways.
In the Vision Room, you’ll find:
Direction when you need focus
It’s easy to lose focus and it can be incredibly difficult to find clarity for the first time. We can’t give you any easy answers for vision clarity, but we can connect you with tools and a community to guide you in your process of finding clarity and living it out.
Tools for your vision journey
Whether you’re looking for the latest thinking or the tried-and-true approach to visioning, you can find it in the Vision Room. Find the best articles, resources, and tools to fuel your vision journey and even interact with other leaders through the comment section of each post.
Insights from trusted voices
The Vision Room allows you to tap into insights from people that are thinking about things like vision, clarity, organizational culture, strategy, and leadership all the time. Through the Vision Room, they can come right into your office or living room and help you navigate toward vision clarity.